Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Friday, February 20, 2009

When I'm on the treadmill the thoughts fly through my head. I like putting them down here as they come to me, but I must admit it's nerve-wracking. Except for minor tweaking of language, the treadmill posts are unedited and uncensored. I don't stop to think about what I'm saying, and afterwards I wonder if I should take it down. And no, it's not because I've said anything horrible or misrepresented myself. It's just that despite my apparent over-sharing tendency I'm pretty guarded in some ways, and accidentally exposing something I meant to keep hidden is my biggest fear, and second to that is offending someone I didn't mean to offend. Both have happened to my detriment, have made me timid.

So I think the treadmill posts are actually good for me. They scare the hell out of me, yeah, but they also expand the boundaries of my self-trust.

I'd planned to discuss love in this post, building on the comments from yesterday, but I'm out of time. Next time, then.

{ 6 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. What fun is having a space on the Internet where you can say all the obnoxious, weird, embarrassing things you've not been able to say in real life, if you can't? ;)

  2. You mean expand the boundaries of your self trust?

  3. Why, what'd I say?

    Oh, I see. Fixed it. Thanks :)

  4. Sherri,

    I really like reading "Thoughts from the Treadmill." I especially agree with that last one you wrote about the dichotomy in American incomes. Luckily, I think that's going to be changing and this "economic crisis" is just a part of that.. Those of us basically starting at 0 may actually be starting ahead of most folks with lots of debt and expensive mortgages. Nobody said it would be easy, right?

    Love ya

  5. Thanks, Angela. I think you're right. As long as my hubs keeps his job, our standard of living won't drop much. Our mortgage is secure, and our credit cards total about $30. We already live as lean as possible. Maybe I should do a how-to newsletter. Hm.


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