Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Friday, March 20, 2009

I feel like crap today, people. Among other, smaller aches, I hurt my right hand yesterday. I have a lot to say about it; however, my left hand alone can't keep up with my brain, so I'll just have to tell you all about it later. No, I haven't gone to the doctor, and yes, it's starting to look like maybe I should. I'm a wait and see kind of person, so I'll probably do that for a couple of days.

Not sure why I bothered pecking out this post. Guess I just wanted some sympathy. Go around with your dominant hand in your pocket for a while and you'll get an understanding.

{ 8 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. I have a big ole steaming pile of sympathy here with your name on it! ;-)

  2. Oodles of sympathy and kisses honey!
    I hope you feel better!

  3. You can have my sympathy pie. It's even better with whipped cream. Having had carpal tunnel and fifteen years later still having residual effects, I can truly sympathise. Hope it clears up fast.

  4. thanks for the sympathy, guys. it feels better already. well, not really, but you know. :)

  5. Did you hurt it working on the roof the other day? Or is it more of a repetitive stress injury? Slap some ice on it, take some ibuprofen, drink a margarita and you'll feel better in no time ;)

    After being off my feet for a few days last week with a sprained ankle, I know how you feel!

  6. i tripped on my way out the door and landed wrong. middle finger bore the brunt. i've got heat on it right now,,,feels goooood.

  7. Hope you get better soon, doll. I so sowwy you hurt you widdew fingers!

    When Fal comes 'round she'll give you feel-better hugs and kiss the owwie. I bet.

  8. LOL Yes, I'll kiss the owie and give you hugs. :D And transmit as many sympathy waves as I can. *hugs*


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