Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sunday I was out in my yard filling in holes when a pickup honked from the street. I looked up, expecting to see somebody I knew, but it wasn't so I ignored them. They slowed, honked again, and pulled askew into the yard. Two youngish guys hopped out and said, "Want some pizza?" and started throwing boxes off their flat-bed trailer.

My response, as you can imagine, was "What's up with this?" Turns out a delivery truck had wrecked, and its haul of Tony's frozen party pizzas was quickly thawing. These guys were driving up and down the back streets looking for people at which to throw boxes. Unfortunately for them, Sunday morning is church time in these parts, so they weren't having much luck.

I said I'd take two and they threw off four. I schlepped one box around to three neighbors' houses but no one answered, so I ended up calling my mom to come get the two that wouldn't fit in my freezer.

I'm torn over my windfall. Free food, who wouldn't love that? Yet as far as food goes, it's not very nourishing and takes up all the freezer space I would use for more healthy food (and ice cream). Thank goodness--or not--I was going shopping today so I actually had the space in the freezer. DH forbade me to give any more away.

I don't know if the guys ever got rid of all that pizza.

{ 14 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Nutritious or no, free is free. You gotta love free food. I'd have a field day with that sort of stuff if it ever happened to me. :)

  2. Pizza is always good - doubly so if it's free! Now, did they hijack the pizza from the truck or were they authorized pizza distributors? :) Why don't people think to find a local food bank to give those to? Silly boys...

  3. Maybe they didn't think they had time to locate one. Also, it was Sunday so if they tried calling around I bet nobody would have answered. They drove back by later and stopped at my neighbor's as she was in the yard by then, and left about ten boxes with her. She knew people who needed it.

    It struck me as odd that they would be that fired up to get rid of the pizza. Wouldn't insurance cover it?

  4. You should have baked the ones which didn't fit in the freezer. Then you'd have been a hero when kids and husband got home. "PIZZA??? You're the BEST, mom/honey!!!"

  5. Once pizza is frozen, it is no longer edible, therefore it is no longer food. So, I debate this claim of free food. Although it is free, it is not food.

  6. Hence the question mark in the title.

  7. You know me, all my crime shows. I'd be thinking, "No really, you just actually robbed the pizza truck, and now you're trying to get rid of the evidence.

    I know, it doesn't make sense, really, because then there'd be too many witnesses who could describe them. But that's how my mind works. And criminals are stupid.

    It does seem a little weird, but if it's sealed and the expiration date is still good, then what the hey? Might as well enjoy it. :)

  8. My dog Maggie ran away one morning not long after I got her from the Humane Society. I went out to find her in my pajama pants, a ratty sweat shirt and slippers. I was walking down the road when a truck pulled up beside me and the driver asked if I would like a box of free food. It seems one of the churches was out making deliveries from the food cupboard and they thought I was a homeless person.

  9. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that one! Don't want to laugh at the plight of homeless people, but dang, I can't help it. LMAO

  10. I thought of the theft aspect, too, but what I decided is that insurance will pay for the loss, and the guy just couldn't stand the thought of all that food going to waste. I might do the same thing.

  11. It's a gift! I'd crack open a beer and just enjoy it.

  12. I'll have to crack open many beers to get through all these pizzas. lol


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