Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Thursday, October 29, 2009

Darcsfalcon has started a little feature on her blog called Thursday Thankfulness, and I thought I'd jump on board for at least today. It would be nice if it spread throughout the blogisphere. Maybe I'll make a little header graphic for Thursday Thankfulness posts for fun.

So today I'm thankful for Akismet, which controls my spam comments. Even though there's only been one legitimate comment caught in the spam filter in the entire previous year, I still check all spam before I delete it.

However, I'm also grateful for the spam itself, because I always get a good laugh, normally because of the way they sneak the stamina-enhancing drugs into the conversation, or the enormous lists of crazy porn categories. But lately there's been a trend where the spammers include a joke. Here are a few I've received:

  • What do you call three rabbits in a row, hopping backwards simultaneously? A receding hareline.

  • What do you call bedtime stories for boats? Ferry tales.

  • What is a Mummy’s favorite kind of music? RAGtime music! or wRAP!!!

  • What do cats like to eat for breakfast? Mice Krispies.

They have the right idea. Spammers should make us smile, then we won't hate 'em so bad.

{ 5 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Those are actually kinda cute. I got a smile. :)

  2. I already use Thursdays for listing publishing opportunities, so I'll skip Thankfulness Thursday. But it's an excellent thing to be aware of the gifts that life gives you. I try to recognize when good things happen and say thank you to who/whatever provided.

  3. Hey thanks! :)

    I like those jokes, they're cute! You get all the good spam, I only get stuff in Russian.

  4. I don't think I get spam. I feel left out.

  5. I have had a couple of legitimate pieces of mail caught in my spam filter (including an email from one of my sisters), but mostly it does a great job of weeding that stuff out. There are only so many offers of penis enlargement I really need.


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