Archive for May 2010

At least the blankets are clean

Like the lovable fool he is, my husband promised the children he would sleep with them in the tents in the back yard. And like the good mom/idiot I am, I agreed to sleep there, too. Actually, I agreed because the hubs said he didn't expect me to. I said, "Why not?" and he replied, "Because I know you." So that was one thing, I had something to prove. Another thing was that I knew he would let the kids drag their blankets in the dirt, meaning mucho laundry-o for me tomorrow.

While I did save the blankets from being dragged on the ground, whatever it was I felt I needed to prove has not been proved. The way I was oriented in the tent left me about two inches shy of being able to stretch out. My old roll-up mattress was only slightly less hard and lumpy than the ground. My joints protest on the average night, but this was an exercise in torture. Also, there was a bug.

Now, I've been camping before. The sleeping arrangements were never my favorite aspect, but I always pulled through okay. However, since the last time I went camping I somehow became middle-aged (might have something to do with all those years passing) and a middle-aged body on the ground is quite a different one than a younger body on the ground. I came in a little after 3 a.m. and haven't been able to sleep from the aching hips and shoulders. It's now 5 a.m.

Wonder how the hubs is doing out there. Probably sleeping like a damn baby.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Posted by Sherri Cornelius

All of nature beckons, but I remain steadfast

I've started the final edit of BVA. Thanks to everyone who helped out: Allie, Ian, Dane, Vanessa, and Tony. Working toward a deadline of Monday or Tuesday, and then off to the agent. I was hoping to send it out this week, before the famous screeching halt to which the publishing industry grinds after Memorial Day. (Good luck deciphering that sentence.) Obviously, that didn't happen.

It's a Herculean effort to stay in this chair, despite the deadline. The kids are home for the summer, for one. For another, the weather's beautiful. And lastly, right outside my tree is a mulberry tree loaded with fruit, which means birds, birds, birds. Woodpeckers, cardinals, blue jays, robins, and lots of others I don't know. And just now a tiny hummingbird hovered right in front of my window screen and chirped as if to say, "Whaddya doing in there, ya dumb human?" There's been more birds in my yard this year than ever before, but I'm afraid the neighborhood dog ran off all the bluebirds, because I haven't seen any since she killed all the fledglings.

So, yeah. It's difficult to sit in here when all of nature is inviting me outside.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Posted by Sherri Cornelius

The new theme

Found out there's a difference between a theme and a template in Wordpress. I'd always thought the words were used interchangeably, but not so: template refers to the layout of the website, and theme refers to the look of it. I have a terrible time finding a theme I like with a layout I like. This purple theme is beautiful, but I want two sidebars, one on either side. I've always liked that layout best. I wish I had better graphic design skills, and I'd make my own theme.

To help me decide what color my site should be, I've asked a question of my kids and their father: What color do you associate with me? I got purple, pink, yellow and black. Hmmm.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Posted by Sherri Cornelius


I find myself wanting to do bullets for every post. With easy separation of my different topics, I don't have to put too much thought into those pesky segues, or too much work into cohesion. The separation is the key; I'm not married to the bullets. When I saw how Darcknyt separated his topics by bold headers for several posts, I thought that might work better for me, too.

Then I thought I could just separate the topics into their own blog posts like a normal person, but since my blog is a snapshot of my mood at any given time, I find it nearly impossible to write posts for the future. So far I've used blogging as a way of impressing my personality onto the Internet, quite unintentionally. I don't see it as a place to showcase my stories or to write persuasive posts, and I don't treat the posts like magazine articles the way some do. That's probably why I don't draw a lot of readers.

I think I'll try separating my topics into new posts. I'm experimenting, right? So maybe you'll get three or four posts this week instead of the usual point-five.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Posted by Sherri Cornelius


Well, you know I was broken up about not going to my bonus daughter's graduation. I know now I made the right decision. Like all moms, I feel I should always support my children no matter what, but the fact is sometimes I can't be there. I have to be all right with that, and so do they. If I go on about how guilty I feel, they'll absorb that. If I make it to some of their things and their dad makes it to the others and that's just the way it is, they will still feel supported.

I don't think Zariah was as broken up as I was about me not being there. I sent along a gift only from me, a blank journal symbolizing her new stage in life, and I wrote her a letter to go with it. She's a woman now, officially. Graduated and 18 with a baby. Maybe I'll get used to it someday.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Posted by Sherri Cornelius

Disjointed and crappy

I feel disjointed an crappy today, so that will also be the style of my post.

  • My step-daughter graduates high school this evening. I decided to stay home, after much anguish and stress, because of the extreme probability of massive fragrance exposure. Me, fragranced out, wrangling three kids in a packed gymnasium for 3+ hours...I finally admitted it just wasn't going to work. I've already been exposed so much this week that it's built up and my tolerance would be nil if I were to go tonight. I bought her a special gift to show I care since I can't be there, and I'll write a letter telling her how proud I am.

  • I finished updating the synopsis for Black Veil Angel, and now I'm waiting for my beta readers to get back with me before I start the final polish on that. During the lull I'll crit Allie's vampire mailman novel. I expect to have it done over the weekend.

  • I've lost ten pounds now. It's slow, but I'm settling into healthier eating patterns.

  • Lots of cosmic activity going on in my external world, with things breaking and tornadoes and enlightening coincidences. Sometimes when these turbulent times pass I come out with a deeper knowledge of myself...and sometimes I just feel like I've been beaten. Too soon to tell which will be the case here.

  • This is the kids' last day of school.

  • Sunday is the finale of Lost. ZOMG LOST

Friday, May 21, 2010
Posted by Sherri Cornelius

It's about to get crazy up in here

I think I want to blog in a different way, is my problem. I'm bored blabbing about myself, too lazy to really craft a story every few days, and really feeling limited by my expectations. Or rather, by trying to meet what I imagine to be others' expectations. For instance, I love playing with the look of the blog, trying on new templates and headers and such. But I've read it's best to pick one and stick with it, so I feel a little bit guilty whenever I change templates. Silly, I know.

How many times have I said I was going to start blogging MY way? Lots. I keep saying it, and I keep falling back into that same old rut. So I'm not going to say it anymore, and I'm just going to warn you.
Watch out! It's about to get crazy up in here!

Okay, maybe not crazy. But I do feel the need to experiment. I'd like to hit on something that can keep me interested and draw new regulars. Don't know what that'll be, but...

On a completely unrelated note, I've been having deja vu for a couple of days now. Lots of pings, such as while I was writing this post.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Posted by Sherri Cornelius
Tag :

Last gasp of a dying blog?

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Tomorrow is my fourth blogging anniversary. I used to care. I used to feel this need to spill, and this was the only place people listened. Maybe Facebook has replaced this blog as my daily connection to humanity so I just don't need it anymore. Maybe I'm too worried about seeming like a pro so I censor myself into boredom. Or maybe I'm just in a lull and need to appreciate this quiet time. I'm glad I'm not hooked on it anymore, even though I feel I owe it to the blog to continue.

At any rate, I want to thank all of you who are still around. Let's see, four years ago I had:

  • two kids at home all day and one in school;

  • no agent;

  • literally no friends;

  • only one book finished, and even then it wasn't ready for submission;

  • an embarrassing level of immaturity;

  • a feeling of insignificance, accompanied by almost constant anxiety;

  • no idea how much I could grow as a human being.

I'm looking forward to the next four years of my life, whether I'm blogging then or not. Who knows where I'll be? Good things have started to happen, and I feel they will only continue. I wish you the same. Have a great weekend.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Posted by Sherri Cornelius
Tag :

Why did I agree to Hulk green?

This week started off busy and I don't see it letting up till the kids are out of school, what with the end-of-year programs and concerts. Yesterday my friendly neighborhood electric man cut down a precarious limb, and I spent the day chopping it up.

And before that, on Sunday I gave in to pressure from my son to switch his room with his sister's. We have two bedrooms for the three kids, and for the past few years Jonah and Maggie Rose have been sharing because they were little enough that modesty wasn't a huge issue, and that way the toys are centrally located. Abby, being quite mature at 11, enjoyed her own space in the tiny 10' x 10' bedroom. Well now Jonah's 8 and Maggie's 6 and it's time to move the girls in together. Besides the modesty issue, I'm hoping this will cut down on the bickering, since each younger kid will have his/her own toy space, and doors between them.

Abby was sad to give up her privacy, but I think she's actually enjoying being in a room with her sister (for now). Jonah is a gregarious creature, and so he felt a little lonesome in his bed the first night. I promised both Abby and Jonah I'd paint one wall whatever color they choose. One chose Hulk green and the other chose purple. You can figure out which is which. ;)

Anyway, I'm tired.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Posted by Sherri Cornelius

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