Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Found out there's a difference between a theme and a template in Wordpress. I'd always thought the words were used interchangeably, but not so: template refers to the layout of the website, and theme refers to the look of it. I have a terrible time finding a theme I like with a layout I like. This purple theme is beautiful, but I want two sidebars, one on either side. I've always liked that layout best. I wish I had better graphic design skills, and I'd make my own theme.

To help me decide what color my site should be, I've asked a question of my kids and their father: What color do you associate with me? I got purple, pink, yellow and black. Hmmm.

{ 5 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. I associate pink with you, but that's probably because I've seen more pictures of you in pink than any other color. :) I like the new theme.

  2. I would never associate purple and pink with you. I associate those colours with perfumes and fragrances. (You're the one who blogs about an aversion to perfumes, right?) I would colour you beige, golden brown, green and maybe a dusty orange.

  3. I guess I get the purple and pink because that's what you've used for so long as sort of an online representation of yourself: "Sherri (sounds like cherry) Blossoms". Hence, pink and lilac and lavender make sense to me.

    But WIGSF has a good point, one worth considering. You're closer to the Earth now, right? more in touch with natural elements and avoiding the chemical barrage? So maybe he's onto something too.

    This layout's not bad, but I know how frustrating it is not be able to find a free one you like. I also know too little about CSS and web design to help you muddle through one of your own. Not to mention people get paid big dollars to make those programming tricks work. *Sigh*

    Hope something comes your way soon to make you happy.

    But I like this layout, and theme. Just so you know.

  4. Very good point, WIGSF. I actually love the subdued purple of this theme. I don't feel like it's too perfumy. Maybe I could add some green to it. I guess I'll play with it some more.

  5. Those are my favorite colors! Pink, yellow, and lavender!

    So, you can't mix and match themes and templates? Well that's no fair! I like this theme, but I can understand you wanting the dual sidebar thing. I like that best too. Which is why I've used the same theme on almost every blog I have. *eyeroll*


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