Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Monday, January 3, 2011

We all try to hide our ugliness on the web, where it will undoubtedly linger for thousands, if not millions, of years. One errant photo will come back to haunt us, or perhaps our mainframe-dwelling descendants.

We pose:


We laugh:


We ham it up:


And then fate conspires to capture us in all our exaggerated ugliness, such as when we are goofing off at Christmas, and we say to our mothers, “Don’t take a picture of me like this,” whereupon we slouch and pooch and make ourselves as hideous as possible for the sole purpose of humor, and then we see the flashes go off out of the corners of our eyes, and hear previously mentioned mothers say, “Oops, sorry, I got you anyway. I was trying to get Richard.” And of course it becomes the most hilarious thing ever, and how could we keep these ugly photos to ourselves?

We couldn’t:


And you know what? I think we should all show more of our warts/bellies/neckfat. It makes other people feel better about themselves.

{ 8 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. You look natural and happy- what more could we ask for?

  2. I guess I could ask not to be so goofy at inopportune moments! lol

  3. Aww, look at your bad self having fun on Christmas! Those are priceless, even the one with you sticking out your boobs. :D Love them! Love your happy and your silly. :)

    Glad you had such a nice day, dolly. *hugs*

  4. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, needs a picture like this on their facebook profile, blog, whatever.

    It's cathartic.

    Good post Sherri! Fun stuff.

  5. Those aren't too bad! I think few of us like photos of ourselves, no matter how they turn out. I know I'm very picky about pictures taken of me. I usually hate them.

  6. I think I'm going to change the title, because it implies all these are unflattering and I don't feel that way. Much. :)

  7. Yeah, don't hold your breath waiting for a picture of me to appear anytime soon. Glad you're doing great and good though. Sorry I've not been by, but I guess you know the story by heart by now.

    I hope my fond thoughts will suffice.

  8. But of course! Also, your wife comes by so I know y'all still like me. :) But I really think you should post a picture.


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