Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Thursday, March 24, 2011

You know I’ve been staying away from Facebook, and my life is simpler for it. Still, there’s a certain urge to post that I might never get over. Here are some status updates I wanted to post but didn’t.

  • Gosh, my computer is so dusty!
  • Called my mom. She said she learned how to tickle her amygdala. Then she told me how. Hm.
  • Bad tummy. :(
  • Soooooo booooooorrrrrrrred. ZZZZZ

As you can see, Facebook is really missing out. I hope this urge stops soon.

{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Poor Facebook. How can it do without these critical snippets? HOW?!

  2. I DON"T KNOW! It must be on the verge of total annihilation!

  3. sounds like withdrawal symptoms...

  4. FB is doomed, DOOMED I tell ya!

    Other than the FB withdrawal, how are you doing? Is your time away leading to more productivity?


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