Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Friday, November 7, 2008

Another insightful post from Moonrat today. Rather than rehash the whole topic, I'll just post the main message I wanted to pass along, and hope that you'll go read the whole post at EdAss. I strongly feel that if you're working toward a career in writing of any sort, Editorial Ass is your place.

So here's a way to help us get over the October publishing financial crisis:

For anyone who cares about the book publishing industry and wants to do their part, there's one simple action step:

Buy a book this weekend.

Just buy one.

Now go read the whole post to find out details.

{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. I bought a whole bunch of 'em couple weeks back. Does that count?

  2. You can never buy enough books, imo.

  3. I bought a few a couple of weeks ago.

    I confess though, I kind of wish I hadn't bought them. They weren't that good, (2 out of 3 so far) and now I'm stuck with them. I should have just gone to the library. *sigh*


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