Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Friday, December 5, 2008

I guess it's been about a week since I posted. For five of those seven days, my eyes have been closed, as they are right now. I can type blind. I have some weird cold or flu or sinus thing that has affected my vision. Isn't that weird? I'm not sneezy or runny, but I have enjoyed the return of the migraine, thanks to the vision problems. I think. It's hard to tell which came first. It's a combination of the sinus thing and the fragrance thing, as I've spent a lot of time around other people in the past week.

I appreciate the efforts of my SIL Rhonda to make her family as fragrance-free as possible when they came over last weekend. Brown Bootie the Daring Dachshund went to live with them, so I'm happy about that. I know they'll take good care of her.

After their visit I was sick with a slammin' migraine for an entire two days, but DH took care of everything and let me recover.

I felt better in time for my daughter's choir concert. I'd have gone anyway, because she had the big solo, but I was really glad to have felt well enough for it. The concert was held in a packed auditorium, and I had a little eye tightness, but I was surprised to find I handled the fragrances quite well. Abby was angelic, the star of the show, and the other two kids were good during the concert, so it was a success.

The next day (Wednesday) I woke up feeling under the weather, and unfortunately the migraine came back. I was able to hold off the full-blown migraine yesterday by lying around with my eyes closed all. day. long. ugh. Today I woke up with energy, but still can't see. Keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow. I'm really bored and need to do some housework.

Peace out.

{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Hang in there. We're praying for you.

    OH, darn -- you can't see this message. Well, it's still true anyway. Get better soon.

  2. Sherri- for when your eyesight gets better!-
    The worst of a chronic condition is the stage when you're bored. Not so sick that you cant' even think about being bored, but not well enough to get back to real life. I know about that and I feel for you!

  3. I'm so sorry about your migraine hon. I know how awful those can be. *hugs* Feel better soon.


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