Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Monday, July 13, 2009

Why is my dryer suddenly making everything smell like fish? There's been no fish anywhere near my house in months. And if there had been, why would it be in the dryer? Seriously, why?

I'll be visiting with an old college friend this week. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Excited for the normal reasons, because I like her. Nervous for some normal reasons and some abnormal ones: I'm embarrassed at my behavior in college; I used to be hot and now I am not; I'm not involved in musical theater (or music, or theater) in any way, and I feel guilty leaving it behind; I hate accommodating the stupid fragrance allergy ("Please jump through these hoops for me. I can't guarantee it will be worth it.").

But you know what? I feel fantastic. I think I may have gotten my fingernails under the edge of the fragrance/sinus/migraine problem. I'm meditating and avoiding fragrance and not dwelling on it. Wallowing in self-pity really does make it worse, and so does stress. I'm not saying it's not still a problem, but I have enough experience with it (almost a year) to know what to expect, and that makes it easier. I'm not mad about it anymore, and I think that's the main thing. Jen has been understanding about it, so for that I am grateful. Not that I expected any different. I remember her as a classy, friendly girl, and I can't wait to see her again.

I've only re-met one other college friend, and that was a few years ago. We talked and visited many times, got good and caught up, but fell out of touch as happens with people like Danny and me, and my last email went unanswered. He might have changed jobs by that time, because it was a work email. I felt like I should have tried harder to keep up with him, but finally realized that it was only half my responsibility.

I feel fantastic

{ 5 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. I recently contacted an old college professor, who actually remembered me after about 25 years! Isn't that nice? We plan for us to have lunch or something when I get down that way again, if she's available.

    I actually have no one except my ex hubs who I know from college. I was too busy working and studying and sleeping in class (due to all the working) to make friends. Now high school? I am in touch with a few of that crowd. our 30th anniversary is coming up and I hope to attend.

  2. Oh, and I meant to say I'm glad that you are getting a handle on the fragrance/migraine issues. Migraines are so awful.

  3. Maybe some punk kid slid a dead fish into the dryer's exhaust vent on the outside of the house.

  4. I sorta second WIGSF's idea on the fish. You may want to check it.

    And why you gotta be so hard on yourself about your looks? You ain't bad, y'know. I seen worse. (In the mirror, usually.)

    I'm glad you're getting a handle on this fragrance allergy thing too. It's not easy, but you're doing your best, and it's nice to see you being happy and excited and feeling good.

    Have a great time with the ol' college bud. My college behavior embarrasses me too -- and I only went for one semester. Heh.

  5. Yay for feeling fantastic! Good days should be celebrated! Woo!

    But, stop it on the "I used to be hot" thing. You still are. And I doubt she's looking for a hot date anyway, so don't worry about that one. Just sayin'. ;)

    And she's probably feeling the same things as you, so that will only give you one more thing in common to talk about. :)


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