Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Sunday, July 19, 2009

The hubs is makin' bacon while I type. It smells delightful. The British Open is on TV--we're rooting for the old guy. The coffee is especially good this morning

DH and I got up before the kids and witnessed a cicada emerging from its shell. It had fallen onto its back and writhed, helpless, with its wings stuck to the concrete stoop. I righted it so it wouldn't stick as it dried. It was glad.

I guess that's all I have to say this morning. I may post about writing later, depending on how procrastinatory I feel. I hope your Sunday is a peaceful one.

{ 5 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Mmmm ... baaaaaaacoooooon ... yuuuuuummmm.

  2. You mean you didn't kill the cicada? Dang.

    I'll join you in that coffee though - which reminds me, my cup is empty.

    Glad you had a nice morning. :)

  3. Why would I kill a cicada? It's harmless. I guess it's a cicada. We also call them locusts, but I don't think that's right. Now I'm confused. Time to visit Google.


    That's the exact cicada we have. I love 'em.

  5. Why kill them? Because they're nasty, and ruin crops. Eww! We have the 17 yr ones up here. And the annual ones too. *shudder*

    Oh, I almost forgot! You have that entomology side to you. :D Miss Plays With Spiders.


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