Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Friday, January 15, 2010

Shout out to my buddy Marta, who is selling her art to fund her involvement in Art City Austin, and she's decided to let you decide how much to pay for it. Marta's art is thoughtfully whimsical. And I don't know how to talk about art even though I like it, so why don't you just go check it out?

{ 9 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. You're welcome, Marta, it's no trouble. I don't know how much business I'll send your way, but I guess it can't hurt to try. :)

  2. It doesn't matter if it sends business. Just giving the support helps. And it gets my name/work out there. It is all good. And several people have taken me up on my offer! I'm making 16 tiny pieces this weekend. Whew!

  3. How many more do you need to sell?

  4. It depends on what a person decides to pay, but on average I'd say I need to sell 4 or 5 more to make the grand total of $495. Crazy. But I'm very happy with the response. It makes a huge difference. And then I've got to make more pieces for the show! woo.

  5. I put in a request for 2. I think a piece of bunny art would be awesome for Squish's room and I want a piece of my own for the entryway :)

    You're awesome!

  6. Kristy, that's awesome! The bunnies would be perfect for Squish's room.


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