Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Wednesday, April 14, 2010

So I've been on this diet, and I've lost 3.5 pounds so far. It's actually a lifestyle change that I've made several times before but couldn't make stick, so this time I'm trying out an online calorie counter to give me some solid data. What I've found is that all my extra calories come from boredom snacking. If I stuck with meals, even if I stuffed myself I'd be having fewer calories than while eating Nutty Bars and Cheetos several times a day. By watching my moods and habits and cravings without judgment, I've been able to identify the trigger points and maybe some day I'll be able to completely overcome those challenges and let my skinny self come back out.

A big motivator is my kids, rather than simply my weight. I'm okay with being this size, as long as I come about it naturally and not because of some idiotic behavior I can't overcome, but my children give me signs that I haven't taught them what food is for. I have to do better, be a better role model so they will grow up healthy. That's a bigger motivator than the scale or tight clothes.

{ 10 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. I've tried to change several bad habits just to be a better example to the kid. He'll have to accept some of my bad habits (too much coffee), but I still want him to see I can work to improve and recognize what I need to improve.

    Good luck!

  2. Yes indeed.
    Kids keep you young.
    Kids make you grow up.
    I used to think I could not change myself, but I can, and have. Best wishes for your efforts.

  3. I like the way you call it a lifestyle change. That works better for me too, than "diet." Kids are a great motivator, and when they eventually leave, better health is a great motivator too!

  4. Hey, 3.5, good for you! That's a nice way to start any diet!

    Yeah, I remember back before I had kids I wouldn't eat vegetables either. I'm still not great at it, but I can't turn my nose up at everything like I used to do when I was a kid either. Yep, babies change everything!

    Speaking of babies, how's Z and that beautiful bonus grandson of yours?

  5. I guess they're doing fine. I haven't talked to her in a few weeks. I think she went back to finish the school year, but I'm not sure. I should probably text her and find out.

  6. Yeah, I don't like the idea of starving myself thin and then going right back to the fat-making behavior. I'd like to change my attitude toward food so I can maintain a healthy weight.

  7. I agree it's good for kids to see their parents working on themselves. Helps them learn how to do it.

  8. Well, three-and-a-half's nothing to sneeze at! I can eat that much in one sitting, so it's all relative anyway. Good luck! Like I've said before, if our kids don't make us want to be better people nothing short of Divine Intervention can. :)


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