Archive for 2015

I'd like to be ready

I don't even know how long it's been since I've posted here. I could go check, but I would have to care to do that. I'm mostly just blogging to check where all my post automatically goes to, but of course that means that I'm thinking about taking it up again. I miss blogging, even though it's sort of out of style now unless you're "monetized," some mommy guru or home improvement guru or

School is going great. I'll graduate with a BGS in December--that's two more semesters--and it looks like graduate school is out of my reach for now. As I'm looking at the jobs available around here I'm starting to despair that I'll ever make $30,000 a year, even with the degree. I'm working in a small museum run by a local historical society, and I absolutely love it. It's my calling. I want to do it forever and for a lot of money. If the lot of money can't happen, I'll just do it for a little money. I've been growing and learning by leaps and bounds. Hopefully all this life experience coupled with a bachelor's degree will transmute into a good-paying, fulfilling job.

I've felt really closed off the past couple of years as I navigate through some difficult headspace. Sorta hoping opening up for the blog will help me open up in other ways, like creatively. Not that I'll have time to write until I'm done with school, but I will someday and I'd like to be ready.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Posted by Sherri Cornelius

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