Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Friday, January 23, 2009

I did one of these a while back, but forgot to post it. So since Darcknyt did one over on his blog I thought I'd post one, too. See anything interesting? Aw, me neither. :(

{ 6 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. I think they're interesting! I think it's VERY interesting that you don't have too many over-used words in there; lots of 'em about the same size. Very cool.

    Guess you're all balanced an' stuff. :)

  2. That's our Sherri - balanced! :D

    You think I'm being a smart ass but I'm not. You're one of those people who strives for balance in all areas of your life. Sometimes it's more successful for you than others, but you're tenacious. :)

    Very interesting Wordle. I like how "posted creativity award" shows up biggest in the middle. :D

  3. I like playing with the fonts and colors. Notice DarcKnyt is in there? And I do not remember using the word "airways" along with a few others. Did you do one Fal? Going to check.

  4. And how come OLD is so freaking huge? Do I say that a lot? lol

  5. What makes a word interesting? Depends on how you use them. Wordle is cool--but I could never figure out how to get it on my blog.

  6. When I did the Wordle I saved it, then at the bottom of that screen it gave the link to paste into the post. I think DarcKnyt has a tool that takes a screenshot and he saves that image and pastes it in like any other image.


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