Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas went well. I am blessed with a family who appreciates my hard work and who understands when I have to bow out early. It was wonderful to see my mom so happy, with all her kids under the same roof. Her favorite time of year, and I’m glad we could make it happen. Last year an ice storm came on Christmas Eve to keep us apart, so it’s been a couple of years since I’ve seen my youngest brother and his wife. And just last week my mom had emergency surgery, of all things! Thank goodness she recovered enough to entertain visitors, and that she had the good sense to let us do all the work. Well, most of it.

The kids are out of school and the hubs is on vacation until next year. I hope to keep up with laundry while the hubs is on kitchen duty, and if I prod the children they’ll keep up with their toys. During my free time I’m going to finish up the entries for the OWFI contest and maybe write a 2010 retrospective to post on Thursday, but most of the week I hope to spend watching movies and doing projects with the kids. Maybe take advantage of a few after-Christmas deals.

I know some of my Internet buds are hunkered down in a blizzard, some have family visiting, and some are playing with their first real Christmas gifts in years. How are you going to spend this last week of 2010?

{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. I'm going to spend it blowing my nose and hacking, just like I spent every day since Christmas Eve.

    But I'll be ready for work tomorrow, I'm sure.

    Merry Christmas. :)

  2. Yay! You had a nice Christmas! Woo! I'm so happy for you!

    And cool for having everyone around for the rest of the year, that should be some great family time for you all! Plus, extra help around the house. :)

    Happy for you dolly. :) *hugs*

  3. I'm spending it with my kids, as much as possible. My son leaves for Chicago this afternoon though, so I'll spend some of the rest of this week trying not to miss him too much. Fortunately my daughter doesn't leave until the following week, so we'll be busy doing girl stuff :).

  4. Nice post! What movies do you plan on watching?

    This week I plan on polishing my OWFI contest stuff, finishing the christmas movie I'm making (yes, better late than never), and recording some new songs.


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