Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Monday, December 6, 2010

I must say I have reservations about re-opening Sherri Blossoms. All the old fears and pressures return as I open Live Writer and begin to type. Have I really taken enough time off? Do I have anything to say? Will blogging still be a bore, and is it worth the energy?

The answer to all those questions is: I won’t know until I try. And so I begin.

I’ve spent the past two months adrift, a necessary thing, releasing old ideas about how this blog, my career, my relationships should be. I played at NaNoWriMo; wrote parts of books and stories, but nothing that lights my fire; joined OWFI and planned to enter their annual contest in several categories, and actually got quite a bit done in that direction; accepted the fact that crappy stuff happens all the time, and I have to learn how to write anyway.

I think I finally settled on a blog theme that works exactly how I need it to, and will build it over time. I might post writings here, stories that maybe aren’t worth trying to sell but still have some entertainment value. A new About Me page would be nice.

I’m accepting the fact that the blogging community has changed immensely since I started. It used to be the way I communicated all the parts of my life, but I have Facebook for the more mundane stuff now. I used links and images, and I thought about SEO and getting the blog out there. That helped in the beginning, but dang... If you enter “Sherri Cornelius” into Google, Yahoo, and Bing, you will find this website in the top spot, not to mention various others of my hangouts in positions below that. I’m “out there”, mmkay?

The writing of the blog never bored me, but all the side work did, and I guess I don’t have to do it if I don’t want to. I don’t want to imagine what I can make of this place, but to be surprised with what it becomes.


{ 6 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. If it ain't fun, it ain't done, I say. Welcome back... or, you know, whatever. :)

  2. Of course you're back. :) You never go away for very long, blogging is just too fun.

    Cool picture too, I like the butterflies. :)

    So welcome back and all that jazz, it's so nice to see you here again, I've missed you!

  3. I like this design very much. It's amazing how much the blogosphere has changed, I agree- when I started it was a much quieter place. And I also agree that keeping it simple makes it feel more doable, and real.

  4. Glad to see you back! Or almost back. :) Much love and love the design.

  5. Thank you all for the warm welcome. :) I intend to blog twice a week, Monday and Thursday.

  6. Sorry to be a little late, but welcome back sister! I really like the new design and can't wait to see what this new chapter of Sherri Blossoms holds in store for us.


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