Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Friday, May 15, 2009

I went ahead and deleted the CSS file for this blog. Why put it off? The template is now the standard one, and though it looks basically the same, it has lost a bit of its oomph, don't you think? Just ready to weed the garden to make way for whatever is coming. Get rid of distractions, one at a time. The challenge is not getting rid of the old, tired ones but keeping new, exciting ones from creeping in.

Ha, I just realized I missed my 3-year bloggiversary. Funny, but it seems like longer.

I've been thinking about the human tendency to expect things to stay the same. Especially people. When we meet someone, our brain creates a Base Model of the person for reference. Like say you meet a new woman who's really nice. The Base Model is "Nice". A few months later you accidentally cross her in some way, and she turns into a raging bitch. There's a moment of bewilderment when the current model does not match up with the Base Model. Somehow it hurts worse to be yelled at by a person who had previously treated you kindly than by someone whom you always knew was a raging bitch. Just like it's hard to accept kindness from a "raging bitch" Base Model.

I've noticed this with new people I meet. If I go through an introspective jag, the people who find me during that time seem to always connect with me on that level. If I'm writing about racy topics, I meet a whole 'nother set of folks...who always connect with me on that level, and seem unable to change the Base Model Sherri. And the same goes for humorous times, and writerly times, and all other times. I do it, too. I've probably done it to you worse than you've done it to me. I like putting things in nice, neat boxes, and it bothers me when they don't fit.

It might just be an unchangeable human trait, but I think it helps to be aware of it.

{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Well put--humans are kind of messy that way.

    Also, I'm glad to hear that you aren't going away completely, just changing gears a bit.

  2. Base models and boxes - very interesting analogies! I think a lot of people do that, and not just to people but to relationships as well.

    You are growing and changing, like the flower you are, and all aspects and relationships in your life will either change with you, or fall away. I plan on being there for the ride. :)

  3. I'm too fat to fit in a box. My label is a biohazard symbol. Hm. That's probably telling, isn't it?

  4. Whatever path you're taking (box you're jumping in or model you're trying on), I'd like to stay in touch.


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