Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Monday, October 19, 2009

Well I am really liking this template. I feel like I've seen it around, but I guess it's not over-used. I usually choose cleaner blogs with simple lines and a focus on the content, but I realized I rarely post pictures anymore, and having a busy template seems doable, as the graphics won't be competing with images and video and yadda yadda. I still have a couple of chores to do with the template before I can call it good enough, such as adding an RSS button up top somewhere. (There's one at the bottom...don't ask me why the designer put it down there.) I'm also writing a new front page to tell a little bit about me and probably include a picture (which I must take), and I have to figure out how to get all my pages to show up where I want them to, but that one can come later. Tell me if you have any problems.

I walked with my daughter's kindergarten class this morning on the yearly trip to the Pumpkin Patch. It's not a real pumpkin patch, but an empty lot where the local Methodist church sells their pumpkins, and which over the years has grown to be a bumpkin amusement park. There's a train engine and tractors and a fire truck to climb on, roping and bean bag toss games, and a homemade kiddie train pulled by a lawnmower. It's country fun at its finest, and the kids have a blast. I was happy to have a school activity for which I could actually volunteer--since we were outside the whole time, the fragrance was negligible, especially since I took it upon myself to be the caboose along the way, while the other parents stayed up toward the middle of the line. Not only was I helping myself, but I also provided a needed service, which was keeping the stragglers somewhat with the group.

Maggie Rose was delightful, as usual, and was proud to have me there. I befriended a couple of other kids whose parents couldn't come. I wish I'd had more time to talk to those two boys, because they seemed to have things they wanted to get off their chest, like having an adult willing to listen was an opportunity to be jumped on. I remember what it was like to be a kid without a voice. We all need to be heard.

{ 8 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Looking good so far!

    Sounds like the walk was a lot of fun for everyone and I'm glad you and Maggie had a good time. :)

    You're right, we do all need to be heard sometimes. There's that 2 ears thing ringing in my head.

  2. I like this template. It's warm and it looks like how I think of you, if that makes sense! Organized whimsy.

  3. This template works well, I think. It's fun and not hard on the eyes.

    I blew it though; when I asked for bigger comment text, I didn't realize it would make it bigger than your content text.

    Go 'head and put it back how it was (unless you can step down a size) and I'll deal with it in my browser if need be.

    Glad the Pumpkin Patch which isn't was fun. :) I love the idea of the bumpkin carnival.

  4. Fal--How did I all of a sudden become the listener instead of the jabber-er?

    Sarah--Thank you very much! And it looks like Fall, too, don't you think?

    Knyt--I thought the comment text was the same size as the post text. I must have changed the number in the wrong place for the content. I'll work on that, but I'm in no hurry. And hey, good for you on that submission! I'm proud of you!

  5. Maybe you just entered a contemplative phase?

  6. I'm starting to think I've always been contemplative, but I'm only now seeing the value in it.

  7. Noticed another thing too: I can't login anymore. :( My avatar is lost in the aether again. *Sigh*

  8. kindergartners/cats...*nod nod*

    I like your new blog face as well. Very spiffy. Don't think I've seen it elsewhere either.


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