Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Friday, October 16, 2009


Thanks to Darcsfalcon for passing along this award to me. It's always nice to be recognized by your peers. It comes with a requirement to list seven other people with lovely blogs, but some of the blogs I would list are quite personal in nature, so I'm not entirely sure if I should. Aw, what the heck. Perhaps by linking to these blogs I'm leading someone to the inspiration they need. I'm sticking with girls, because the award is pretty girly. Feel free to display the award, ladies, without feeling obligated to tag anyone else. You all deserve it.

  1. Angela

  2. Princess

  3. Marta

  4. Sarah

  5. Falcon (who has already received this award, but still deserves a nod from me)

  6. Rachelle (whom I don't know, but gain inspiration from regularly)

  7. Rachel

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