Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I find myself wanting to do bullets for every post. With easy separation of my different topics, I don't have to put too much thought into those pesky segues, or too much work into cohesion. The separation is the key; I'm not married to the bullets. When I saw how Darcknyt separated his topics by bold headers for several posts, I thought that might work better for me, too.

Then I thought I could just separate the topics into their own blog posts like a normal person, but since my blog is a snapshot of my mood at any given time, I find it nearly impossible to write posts for the future. So far I've used blogging as a way of impressing my personality onto the Internet, quite unintentionally. I don't see it as a place to showcase my stories or to write persuasive posts, and I don't treat the posts like magazine articles the way some do. That's probably why I don't draw a lot of readers.

I think I'll try separating my topics into new posts. I'm experimenting, right? So maybe you'll get three or four posts this week instead of the usual point-five.

{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Or if you're really hurting for blogging ideas, post some stupid picture of a cat with some grammatically incorrect phrase superimposed atop the picture.

  2. I could make my own, too. I have plenty of stupid cat pictures.

  3. I say experiment away!

    Stupid cats have their place, I think I've proven that. ;)

    I thought those headers he did were cool too, one of those "wish I'd thought of that" kind of things.

    I think of blogging as kitchen table kind of stuff. If a bunch of my friends were sitting around drinking coffee with me, what would we talk about? Just chit-chat kind of stuff.

    And I would love to see more posts from you! Just like the old days. :D

  4. I learned from some SEO guy that using lists and headers in the blog post makes it easier to read. I just don't do it all the time, but now my hit counts are so low I need all the help I can get. I guess posting three times a week isn't satisfying enough to my blogulars; they're almost all gone now.

    I'd love to see "mood posts" from you. Do they change color?


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