Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Saturday, December 12, 2009

I was thinking about how I needed to update my sidebar, because I know there are people who link to me but to whom I haven't added a link but I waited too long and now I don't know who they are. I used to love tinkering with my site, but lately it's just been a chore. So I thought I would ask for help on this one.

So here's what we'll do, if you'll indulge me:

  • If any of you would like to be on my sidebar and aren't, please leave a comment and let me know

  • If you have a favorite writing or publishing site that isn't on my list, put that in a comment and I'll check it out.

  • If you are already on my sidebar, please take a moment and make sure your URL is correct and, if you have more than one, that I'm using the one you prefer.

{ 5 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Under Publishing Industry Blogs, I'd add Edittorrent and Janet Reid's blog; maybe Nathan's too. I'm fond of for your Writer's Resources section. You don't have Rachelle's blog on there either, which surprises me a little; you RT her tweets and posts sometimes.

    Hm. Let's see. I think Courtney Vail's site has some useful information ( but she's doing a lot with another site now, so I'm not sure how it will be going forward.

    Eh ... a link to the WLW site on Weblog tools, maybe? And Raven Zoundry?

    That's it. That's all I got. :)

  2. And that's how long it's been since I've updated. I do have Moonrat and Bransford in the sidebar under Writer's Resources, but they're linked through articles they each wrote. I'll have to remedy that. I don't know what Raven Zoundry is. Do you have a link?

  3. Looks good to me, sweetie, and my URL is good. :)

  4. I don't have a blogroll anymore, because I never kept it updated. Instead, I've decided to start "following" people, although I don't see that little gadget in your set. I do have you in my reader.

  5. Thanks for checking, Fal.

    SAWoman, thanks for the tip. I'll put that on the list of additions. I do have that "On my reader" widget, which is supposed to supplement the blogroll. Maybe I'll go your way and just follow people. It amounts to the same thing, except I don't know if the person will get search engine credit for the, something to think about. Thanks again.


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