Posted by : Sherri Cornelius Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No writing dreams last night. The themes seemed to be travel, freedom, and fun. Nice.

Today's enrollment day. It's such a huge milestone that I blog about it every year. It's interesting to look back over posts of years past to see where I was then. Every year I think I'm going to have more writing time.

My Busy Day
Okay, so I'm not much of a schmoozer

Watch out, I'm about to get prolific

Last year the noose did loosen a bit, since I had afternoons free. Too bad I was also going through the biggest writer's block of my entire life, so I didn't take full advantage of it. This year, as I said before, I'll have the entire day free. I also have my own vehicle now, which will help immensely when I need to freshen my mind.

I think I should get done enrolling fairly easily, since we have no new students this year. The noose loosens further.

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Interesting to be able to look back over your past enrollment days and see the predictions and how they didn't come true, isn't it?

    Who says there's nothing interesting in the blogosphere? :)

  2. Noose loosening is always a good thing, even if other aspects don't turn out like you think.

    All day free. Wow! What a concept!


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